A managed service provider (MSP) is a company that remotely manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and/or end-user systems. Management may include desktop helpdesk, patching, software installation, adding or removal of users to e-mail and directories, Server monitoring, problem ticket service and management, and Network and firewall/security management.
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are typical MSP customers. Many smaller companies have limited in-house IT capabilities, so they may view an MSP’s service offering as a way to obtain IT expertise. Larger enterprises may also contract with MSPs, however. For example, government agencies, facing budget pressure and hiring limitations, may contract with an MSP to supplement in-house IT staff. |
Trust and Reliability. We offer a full 24×7 services managed under a dedicated Account Manager who will not only report on IT issues, but also make educated, concise and every day language recommendations about the future growth of IT that supports your business |